BOSAD is recognized as a national project at 15th ESOT Annual General Meeting

Ethiopian society of Orthopedics & Traumatology held its 15th regular General annual meeting on August 25 and 26 at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Addis Ababa. The two-day scientific conference was arranged with a special permit from Ministry of Peace for the COVID-19 precaution regulations. The timely theme of the conference was “Orthopedic Management of injuries from Conflict and Complex Upper Complexity Trauma”. Many invited guests from abroad including USA and Australia had the chance to present lectures on different complex topics and moreover scientific papers and case presentations were addressed over the two days.

Three of the Scientific papers presented were from Hawassa team and one of them was a presentation on the findings of Pilot phase of the BOSAD study. Dr Ephrem representing the research team presented the remarkable findings on the second day of the conference and the idea of the study was brainstorming for the audience. An interesting discussion was made following the presentation and many were highly interested to engage in the study at a national level. Later on, the paper was selected as the best paper presentation by the executive committee and certificate and 10,000 Eth Birr was awarded for the research team. The recognition has been big motivation for the researchers in the subsequent phases of the study and we hope to achieve a big impact further.

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