Case scenario 7
An 11 years old male child who sustained falling down injury of 1 week duration to his left upper arm which was closed in nature. Unfortunately, the family took him to traditional bone setters where he gets massaged and tight dressing was applied to fasten his healing process. In addition to the tightly applied splint, the traditional bone setter applied traditional herbal medicine under the splint.
Currently, he brought to our clinic for the complaint of discoloration, significant swelling and loss of sensation from the tip of the hand to the upper arm area which means he developed missed compartment syndrome which causing at least significant reduction in the function of the hand.
When he gets x-rayed, there was non-displaced fracture over the proximal humerus which is non-displaced and incomplete, can be managed non-operatively and 100% recovered fully. But the traditional bone setter applied the splint on his hand to mid arm area which is actually not stabilized the fractured area at all.
Finally, when he presented to our facility, he developed gangrene of the left upper extremity with septic symptom and then he ends up with emergency high above elbow amputation in order to save his life. This is 100% Preventable amputation.